What is the PRP Hair Treatment?

PRP is a treatment using your own platelets (platelet-rich plasma, or PRP) to help restore and stimulate regrowth of hair. For more information about PRP, read PRP FAQ.

Both women and men suffer from hair loss. Typically men suffer from hair loss along the crown as well as receding hairlines. Women can have generalized thinning along the entire head. Although hair loss can result from a variety of conditions and factors, during your consultation, your provider can help decide if PRP Hair Treatment is right for you. 

How does the PRP work?

PRP is extracted from your own blood and placed in the intended target areas of hair regrowth after the scalp is anesthetized with lidocaine. When activated, PRP releases growth factors signaling stem cells and other healing factors in the area to allow follicles (if still viable) to regrow hair. Think of PRP as acting like a fertilizer for the hair.

How is the PRP Hair treatment performed?

A topical anesthetic is applied directly to the area of the scalp being treated, and local anesthetic is also injected along the scalp to provide additional comfort during the procedure. Using a small needle, the PRP is injected into the scalp, and the area is gently massaged to evenly spread the PRP.

Microneedling may also be used along with topical PRP over the treated area. Depending on response to the initial treatment, up to three treatments spaced two to three months apart may be needed for optimal results.

When will I start to notice a difference?

Some patients start to notice new hair regrowth a few weeks after their treatment. Typically, though, most notice the biggest difference at least three to five months after initial treatment. Results may vary, and they depend on viability of existing hair follicles. We recommend to start with three treatments one month apart to achieve the best results.

Who is a good candidate for A PRP Hair Treatment?

Patients with the most significant results are those in the early stages of thinning hair who still have viable and at least somewhat active hair follicles. Men and women who have natural thinning and overall good health have the most optimal results. Smokers have varying results and are encouraged to stop/quit smoking prior to have any PRP treatments.

How long will the effects last?

Results vary depending on extent of hair loss and viability of existing hair follicles. NuMoon Regenerative Medicine includes a take-home kit as part of our treatment plan to help the effects of PRP treatment be far more effective. Effects can last up to a year or longer; however, ongoing maintenance treatments may be needed to achieve lasting results, since hair follicles continue to age. To maintain your results and the thickness of your hair, we recommended you have maintenance treatments every 6-12 months.

What is the cost?

Regenerative medicine treatments are currently not covered by insurance. However, many patients find that it has great value that outweighs its cost. Furthermore, the procedure costs less than surgery while being much less risky and having no downtime.

Cost for each treatment vary depending on one's specific needs. The cost will be clearly discussed with you with regard to your specific situation at the time of your consultation.

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